Quotes that show tom robinson is guilty to kill a mocking bird
Quotes that show tom robinson is guilty to kill a mocking bird

Technique: dialogue, colloquial language, indignant tone.#5: “You never stopped to gimme a chance to tell you my side of it - you just lit right into me” Technique: Imperative, declarative tone, first person inclusive.#4: “Don’t see how any jury could convict on what we heard” The repetition of the similie “only as sound as” is persuasive as it motivates the jury to strengthen their morals, rather than bending down to their biases. The alternating repetition of the word “jury” and “court” hammers down the idea of how the court is not an independent institution above the people, but instead is dependent on the actions of the individual. This is further evoked by the allusion “gentleman” which sets his expectation of decorum and fairness. The use of second person collective in Atticus’ speech is empowering to the jury with the emphasis of “each of you” emphasizes the equal importance of each jury member to the court. This quote shows Atticus’s strong moral compass and persuasive power that he holds to the jury. Techniques: Second person, anaphora, allusion, breaking the fourth wallĮssentially, Atticus Finch reminds each one of the jury has a choice to uphold the integrity and fairness of the court.Characters: Atticus, addressing the jury.A court is only as sound as its jury, and a jury is only as sound as the men who make it up.” #3: “Gentleman, a court is no better than each man of you sitting before me on this jury. Technique: repetition, emphasis, epiphora.

quotes that show tom robinson is guilty to kill a mocking bird

Characters: Miss Maudie, to Scout and Jem.#2: “I waited and waited to see you all come down the sidewalk, and as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s the only man… who can keep a jury out so long” #1: “The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom… but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box” Think about how the people of Maycomb was only interested in the news of Tom’s death for 2 days. During the first half of the twentieth century, innocent black men were often wrongly being found guilty and sentenced to death. The story of Tom’s death is not a unique case. To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes About Justice Download our list of To Kill a Mockingbird quotes here!

Quotes that show tom robinson is guilty to kill a mocking bird